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Mon premier coloriage conceptuel
Diane Guyot de Saint Michel & Marthe Pradeau

Mon premier coloriage conceptuel is the first ever conceptual coloring book in the history of the world, until we find evidente to the contrary. For Immixtion Books, publishing this book is both an honor and a form of tribute to a little interactive drawing book titled "Toi par Lui et moi" [You by Him and Me] conceived by Robert Filiou in 1975. Mon premier coloriage conceptuel is the result of a joyful collaboration between Diane Guyot de Saint Michel and Marthe Pradeau.


40 pages - 1 colours impression Riso - 205 x 285 mm - 100 ex.

Texts and images : Diane Guyot de Saint Michel - cover by Marthe Pradeau
Text in English, French and Spanish.
Graphic Design : Diane Guyot de Saint Michel et Camille Videcoq
ISBN : 979-10-90298-14-9 - 2020